Using ROCKI with WEP encryption

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by amennelet » Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:41 pm

On my ROCKI this firmware don't reboot after I input my Wifi settings...
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by bgrosenberg » Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:32 am

GRRRRR....updated the firmware, it said that it successfully updated the firmware but then it said "Sorry, I am unable to access the wifi network" and now the android app won't find the Rocki and there is no longer an accessible Rocki Wifi address. Help, please?
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by Simon » Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:46 am

Hi @bgrosenberg!

That's particular. Can you make sure ROCKI is connected to speakers before you reboot ROCKI and tell me what ROCKI said once rebooted? Still "Sorry, I am unable to access the wifi network"?
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by bgrosenberg » Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:57 pm

Yes it still said Sorry I am unable to connect to WiFi router. My other Rocki unit will connect to WiFi but doesn't play music. Question for another forum site. Could the unit that is not able to connect need to be replaced?
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by Simon » Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:06 am

I have to say i have never heard ROCKI saying "Sorry, I am unable to access the wifi network" so i will have to look into that. Bare with me while i try to find an answer to your issue.

Your 2nd Rocki is able to connect but doesn't play music? How have you tried to play music? Did you download the Rocki Android app / use airplay / stream from your PC?

It one of your ROCKIs would turn out to be deffective, we will more than happily replace it. Let's first try to find a solution and if it doesn't amount to anything, i'll redirect you to our support team.

Thanks for the support @bgrosenberg!
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by bgrosenberg » Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:00 am

I'm happy to share a video of what it says if that would be at all helpful. But that is what it says and then, obviously, the Rocki app will not find it as it is not connected to the Wifi system.

I tried using the Android app and Soundcloud (I use Spotify nearly exclusively these days). At first, one song played for about 2 seconds. Now, the counter moves but no music plays. My phone is not rooted (did that once and bricked it...not again). I read that the Android App update should help some of these problems.....will continue to wait patiently for it.
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by Simon » Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:37 am

I've just checked with our developers if they had heard from the problem and they have. Apparently, all it takes to solve this problem is to take the ROCKI and walk out of your wifi range with it. (Take it out of the house for exemple).

Make sure ROCKI is powered on while you do this. This will force ROCKI into hotspot mode. While still being out of range of your router, connect to the hotspot ROCKI created using your phone (or laptop). The hotspot will be called ROCKI_XXXXXX and the standard password is 87654321.

Once connected, open a browser and go to the ROCKI web config page:

*Now walk back into range of your network.*

In ROCKIs web config page, fill in the SSID (network name) and password of your WI-FI network manually then click Save Settings. ROCKI will start up again, wait for 20 seconds and you should hear “Successfully connected to your wireless router”.

Give it a try and let me know if that helped!
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by bgrosenberg » Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:22 am

Went down the street. Well out of range and was still not able to induce hotspot mode/see ROCKI as network. Other thoughts?
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by Simon » Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:27 am

Thanks for taking the time to check if it would go into hotspot mode. If that didn't work, we will probably have to replace your ROCKI.

Could you please contact [email protected] for further assistance. They will be able to replace your ROCKI if it would come to that. Feel free to link to this post when contacting them and i will also give them a heads up about your situation.

Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the support @bgrosenberg!
ROCKI This Party, Dance Everybody!

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Location: Belgium

by bgrosenberg » Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:47 am

Thanks for your help. I emailed them this morning.
In other news, my other Rocki is working! Soundcloud leaves a bit to be desired, but using the new IPhone/IPad app, I am able to stream Spotify.
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