ROCKI Community Forums 2014-07-09T08:25:38+00:00 2014-07-09T08:25:38+00:00 2014-07-09T08:25:38+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • Alpha Testing Multi-Room Sync]]>

Many of you have been asking how the development of multi-room sync is advancing and today, we are thrilled to be able to show you a video of 2 ROCKI's simultaneously playing the same tracks.

For this test we have used our HTML5 Chrome app, which will roll out in due time as an additional controller for ROCKI. The HTML5 app will also serve as a platform for future ROCKI apps on Windows Phone, Firefox OS, Tizen (Samsung), FireOS (Amazon), BB10, Ubuntu, Sailfish, Mac and Linux.

The version of the app you see in the video is the "raw" version, which is functional but doesn't rock a nice user interface design yet.

Once everything is working smoothly, the functionality of coupling rooms or ROCKI's together will be ported to the Android and iOS apps.

Are you looking forward to the release of multi room sync? Let us know your thoughts!

Statistics: Posted by Simon — Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:25 am

2014-07-04T14:57:13+00:00 2014-07-04T14:57:13+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • ROCKI iOS App Now Available in the Apple App Store]]>

Giving you an extra platform to stream music to your ROCKI, the new iOS app allows iPhone, iPad and iPod user to interact with their ROCKI in a complete new way. The app helps you set up new ROCKIs in your home wifi and streams music in your iTunes library on your device. The implementation of streaming services is on its way and will be rolled out gradually with updates. We just didn't want to keep you waiting while we develop the app further! We expect to have at least 10 music streaming services implemented by September. Other features that are nearly finished are playback of music stored on NAS drives and of course playing back a song on multiple ROCKIs at the same time. Beta testing is looking good and we'll be sharing a sneak peek video with you soon!

We are really looking forward to seeing the iOS app in action and hope we can count on your constructive criticism to make it even better! Feel free to leave an app review or to hit us up through the ROCKI community forums or Kickstarter for help and feedback.

More exciting news about new ROCKI features will follow shortly so stay tuned!

Download the app here:


Statistics: Posted by Simon — Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:57 pm

2014-06-20T03:16:15+00:00 2014-06-20T03:16:15+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • An update on ROCKI Play+, the iOS app and more!]]>

Many of you have been asking about the ROCKI PLAY+. As you might know, the ROCKI PLAY+ is an idea that grew from your feedback during the Kickstarter campaign. Currently we are experiencing some delay in the production process due to the debugging of the hardware. The good news is that next week, we will be demoing the ROCKI PLAY+ for the very first time during CE Week in New York and are expecting to be able to ship out the first batches of the ROCKI Play+ around mid-July to end July. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your support and understanding.

We are also thrilled to be able to share the first picture of the production board of the ROCKI Play+. After we've checked the first production batch for problems, the ROCKI Play+ will be given the thumbs up for mass production.


A little bonus: The production board of the ROCKI Play+. Note the HDMI port and optical port to connect to a digital audio receiver.

As for the ROCKI iOS app, we are waiting for further news from Apple. The app has been submitted for review by Apple and we hope that they will green light the app soon. Unfortunately, this process is completely out of our hands so bare with us.

In addition, let me introduce a new addition to the ROCKI team - me! Hello everyone, I'm Simon and I've been a fan of ROCKI ever since the start of the Kickstarter campaign. I'm also a product lover, some say product geek, and I'm here to answer questions, update everyone about stuff and discuss ideas. You can find me on Kickstarter and on the ROCKI forums. See you around.


Statistics: Posted by Simon — Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:16 am

2014-06-05T11:44:34+00:00 2014-06-05T11:44:34+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • [FIX] WEP encrypted networks]]>
Today we can announce that we FIXED it, and will soon roll it out globally (automatic OTA update)! For everyone here on the forums, we're making it available immediately. So if you are having these issues, install and get your ROCKI's to work on your home WiFi!

Note that this firmware fixes the issue for WEP encrypted networks with passwords up to 10 characters. We are writing the rest of the code for longer passwords and should have an update on that within a few days.

How to install:
  • Download the firmware file ("dlna_upnp.tar.gz") here:
    Save this file somewhere and make sure the filename is "dlna_upnp.tar.gz". No need to unpack it either.
  • Follow the instructions on to install the firmware on your ROCKI and instead of downloading the firmware file, use the one you just downloaded.
  • Use the same web-configuration page to set up your ROCKI for your home WiFi.

Lets us know if this fixes the issue for you, our devs are standinng by to hear from you!

Statistics: Posted by Dennis — Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:44 am

2014-04-11T16:05:33+00:00 2014-04-11T16:05:33+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • Re: ROCKI Apps Update]]>

Statistics: Posted by peer — Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:05 pm

2014-04-11T05:37:39+00:00 2014-04-11T05:37:39+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • Re: ROCKI Apps Update]]>
Also, Sonos did not support Google play, but the other way around. The Google play app now has native support for Sonos playback. It shouldn't be too big of a step for Google to add UPNP (the open standard ROCKI and a ton of other devices are using) support.

Stability is my main concern for the app at this moment, it force closes so much I can't even play a full song. If it's fixed, only then they should start adding new features. Before that there should be an app that most of all, just WORKS!

Statistics: Posted by nilswesthoff — Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:37 am

2014-04-10T20:22:45+00:00 2014-04-10T20:22:45+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • Re: ROCKI Apps Update]]> 1. Repeat button does not work (can't turn off repeat after turning on), shuffle button acts funny
2. I'm able to play "Null" music? A track of nothing?
3. Favorite icon misproportioned in notification bar.
4. Play and pause button changes proportions when you click it.
5. Still can't stream to multiple ROCKIs playing the same music, as is advertised in your marketing materials.

Sonos just added Google Music support. You have yet to add any new features to the app, despite nearly a month of it being released.

You really should start dedicating more resources to app development, as this is the framework for your hardware. Doorbot is failing in this regard as well as Lockitron.

C'mon guys, I'm rooting for you, but you really need to start ramping up the app development or get some new developers. It really shouldn't be that hard or expensive to ramp up your app.

Statistics: Posted by shawn.m.gee — Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:22 pm

2014-04-10T19:16:51+00:00 2014-04-10T19:16:51+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • Re: ROCKI Apps Update]]> I bought AirAudio and it's great, but the native app does an absolutely terrible job. It still crashes all the time, even after the update. And I'm not the only one, my friend got his ROCKI the same day as I and the app isn't working properly for him either.

Like I said, AirAudio is great, and AirPlay in iTunes and iOS devices is working awesome as well, so it's not a problem for me, but just know, the app is definitely not working properly.

Statistics: Posted by nilswesthoff — Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:16 pm

2014-04-10T11:49:37+00:00 2014-04-10T11:49:37+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • Re: ROCKI Apps Update]]> Statistics: Posted by MFischlin — Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:49 am

2014-04-10T08:47:53+00:00 2014-04-10T08:47:53+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • ROCKI Apps Update]]>
This app update includes:
- Fixes for the 9 most common crashes
- Improved notification bar with exit button
- Support for .m4a files (fixes compatibility with HTC phones)
- Small fixes to interface

Firmware update
Certain connection and compatibility issues need to be addressed in the ROCKI firmware, which is installed on the ROCKI PLAY itself. We have published an automated firmware update last week. ROCKI will pull this from our servers automatically and install it the next time it starts so you don't have to think about doing this manually, just restart ROCKI.
If you haven't managed to set ROCKI up in your wifi network yet, look here for a quick guide:

For iOS users we are working diligently to release it in the App Store by the end of April. We are starting our beta testing this week and for those who'd like to join, we still have a few spots open. Just send us an email at [email protected] and put "iOS Beta" in the subject line.

We look forward to your ongoing support and critical comments, empowering us to keep improving the ROCKI experience!

Statistics: Posted by Dennis — Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:47 am

2014-03-29T12:18:00+00:00 2014-03-29T12:18:00+00:00 <![CDATA[ROCKI news • Re: ROCKI PLAY Firmware update 1.2]]> download the latest firmware file here.

Subsequently you can use the firmware upload form in the webinterface to upload the firmware:


A few pointers:
  • Make sure the firmware filename is exactly "dlna_upnp.tar.gz" when uploading to your ROCKI PLAY
  • Only use manual uploading when auto update is not available (e.g. you're in hotspot mode, or your ROCKI PLAY is connected to a wireless network with no internet connection).

Statistics: Posted by zebaz — Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:18 pm
